President Hage Geingob (Namibie)


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Late President Hage Geingob (1941-2024), demonstrated remarkable leadership in favour of democracy and transparency in Namibia, as well as in African governance. During his presidency, he took important steps to strengthen democratic institutions and promote citizen participation.

Under his leadership, Namibia organised several presid ential and legislative elections that were generally considered transparent and fair by international observers, thus maintaining free and fair elections. President Geingob defended the right to freedom of expression and encouraged a favourable environment for independent media, allowing constructive criticism of the government, thus promoting freedom of expression and the media.

He has implemented initiatives to combat corruption within the government and the civil service, thus strengthening accountability and transparency in governance. Under his leadership, the government undertook decentralisation efforts, transferring certain powers and resources to regional and local authorities, thus promoting better representation of citizens.

President Geingob sought to involve historically marginalised groups more closely in decision-making processes, thus strengthening the representation and participation of all Namibians by promoting inclusion and diversity. Although challenges remain, these actions have contributed to deepening Namibian democracy under the presidency of Hage Geingob, whose leadership and commitment to democratic governance have left a lasting legacy.He passed away on 4 February 2024 in Windhoek.

Hage Geingob is the recipient of several awards and accolades for his leadership, including the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award from the African Energy Chamber at the African Energy Week conference in Cape Town, South Africa.

Two principles of the ACDEG have guided the Champion initiative’s nomination of of President Geingob: Rule of law as stipulated in Article 4: “State Parties undertake to promote democracy, the principle of the rule of law and human rights.” “State Parties consider popular participation through universal suffrage as an inalienable right of the peoples”.

Free and transparent elections as stipulated in Article 17: “State Parties reaffirm their commitment to regularly holding transparent, free and fair elections in accordance with the African Union’s Declaration on the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa”.