
"AfricTivistes Champions of Governance and Democracy" is an initiative to identify a Champion of Governance and Democracy within the political ecosystem. The laureate is an entity or individual who has had a substantial impact on democratisation and good governance processes, and who becomes the de facto ambassador for the promotion of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) among their peers.

In a context of democratic backsliding in Africa, this open and citizen-driven distinction aims to promote the values of good governance, democracy, and respect for institutions in Africa through the promotion and defence of the fundamental principles of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG).

The process of identifying the AfricTivistes Champion of Governance and Democracy includes a screening and pre-selection phase by experts and actors from African civil society, and a final vote by African citizens.

This distinction is part of the Charter Project Africa, which is a pan-African project focused on the commitments contained in the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG). This project supports the implementation and appropriation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Good Governance (ACDEG) through advocacy, training, and awareness-raising using digital tools.

Indeed, to date, the Member States of the African Union (AU) are still facing various obstacles related to the implementation of the main policy document of the African Union, aimed at advancing democratic governance in Member States, the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Good Governance (ACDEG). Despite the improvement of the AU's institutional framework since the entry into force of the ACDEG in 2012, its proper implementation is still lacking, in a context where the expression of democracy and good governance still faces major challenges in Africa.

The Charter Project Africa encourages the use of civic technology to amplify the voice of citizens. To this end, it provides financial resources, through grants, as well as technical resources to civic initiatives in favour of democracy, particularly those led by underrepresented groups.

The project is implemented by a consortium of six African and European organisations, namely AfricTivistes, Code for Africa (CfA), Democracy Works Foundation (DWF), Gorée Institute, European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) and European Partnership for Democracy (EPD).

Objective and justification

  • Dans un contexte où les acquis démocratiques sont menacés dans plusieurs pays africains, “Champion AfricTivistes de la gouvernance et de la démocratie” vise à renforcer la démocratie, l’État de droit et les droits de l’Homme en Afrique à travers la promotion et la défense des principes fondamentaux de la CADEG (Charte africaine de la démocratie, des élections et de la gouvernance).
  • En effet, depuis l’entrée en vigueur en 2012 de la CADEG (Charte africaine de la démocratie, des élections et de la gouvernance), les membres de l’Union africaine (UA) font toujours face à des défis concernant la mise en œuvre effective et l’adoption de celle-ci. En plus de cela, une crise profonde frappe plusieurs pays sur le continent. Entre août 2020 et août 2023, sept pays ont connu des putschs militaires tandis que d’autres ont subi des changements anticonstitutionnels de pouvoir.
  • En distinguant le Champion AfricTivistes de la gouvernance et de la démocratie, la société civile africaine va jouer un rôle important dans la vulgarisation de la charte et va promouvoir ainsi une démocratie inclusive et respectueuse des droits en Afrique tout en célébrant et en mettant en lumière les efforts louables.

Selection Criteria

  • The AfricTivistes Champion of Governance and Democracy is an entity or legal person with a substantial impact on the processes of democratisation and good governance in their country.
  • STheir profile is that of a :
    • Serving or former Head of State,
    • Public institutions,
    • Government figures,
    • Civil society organisations or individuals.
  • Their mission is to :
    • Defend the fundamental principles of the CADEG,
    • Provide exemplary leadership in the promotion of democracy and governance.


  • The African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG), adopted in January 2007 in Addis Ababa, represents the main instrument of democratic governance of the African Union for its member states. It symbolises the will of African states to make democracy a model of development, thus promoting democracy, the rule of law and human rights. This progress offers crucial guarantees for the respect of the rule of law, the fight against discrimination and the exercise of fundamental freedoms. Organisations urge member states to ratify this instrument quickly and to incorporate its provisions into their domestic law.
  • The ACDEG plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges affecting peace, security and human rights in Africa. It frames electoral processes, limits institutional instability, responds to political violence, strengthens the protection of human rights defenders, combats the abuse of public media for campaign purposes, encourages the participation of women in political life and opposes the non-respect of democracy and poor governance.
  • Since its entry into force in 2012, the ACDEG has significantly improved the political and institutional framework of the African Union to strengthen democracy and good governance. However, member states still face obstacles, including reluctance to translate the charter into domestic law. Currently, out of 46 signatory states, 38 have ratified the ACDEG, while 9 have neither signed nor expressed their consent to be bound.


A consortium of African and European organisations supports the implementation of the Charter Project Africa. Their joint efforts create an expansive continental presence with access to numerous networks for dynamic collaboration opportunities.