Ndioro Ndiaye 🇸🇳


Ndioro Ndiaye was appointed Minister of Social Development during the second term of President Abdou Diouf. As the supervising minister, she was confronted with the Senegal-Mauritania conflict that erupted in 1989. She coordinated humanitarian operations and sought solutions for both Senegalese and Mauritanian refugees. In the government formed on March 27, 1990, she became the Minister Delegate to the President of the Republic in charge of the Status of Women and Children. In the governments formed by Habib Thiam in 1993, she was entrusted with the Ministry of Women, Children and Family. That same year, as President of the Regional Conference of African Women, she actively participated in the preparation of the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing.

Deputy Director-General of the International Organisation for Migration since 1999, she was re-elected in 2004 and held this position until 2009.

Country: Senegal

African civil society