Abdou Khafor Kandji 🇸🇳


Abdou Khafor KANDJI is a project manager with the renowned social change movement Y En A Marre. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business and organisation management from the African Institute of Management (IAM).

He began to be involved in the Y En A Marre movement in 2012. In 2014, he was elected coordinator of the Esprit (the name given to the different cells of the movement) of Diourbel, a position he held until 2016.

He joined the National coordination team during the general assembly of the movement in 2017, which marked the first change in the governance of the organisation. He is also part of the team in charge of implementing the civic vision of the movement entitled Tabax Elleg (preparing tomorrow) to build the New Type of Senegalese (NTS) through programmes and projects. Since October 2023, he has been pursuing a Master’s degree in Project, programme and policy monitoring and evaluation at the African Center for Higher Studies in Management (Cesag).

Country: Senegal

Organisation: Y En A Marre