Gilles Yabi 🇧🇯


Political Analyst and Doctor in Development Economics, Dr. Gilles Olakounlé Yabi is the founder and president of WATHI, a citizen think tank in West Africa. Gilles Yabi has worked as a senior political analyst and then as the director of the West Africa Office of the International Crisis Group, an international non-governmental organisation that works for the prevention and resolution of armed conflicts. Holder of a PhD in Development economics from the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France), Gilles Yabi was also a journalist for the weekly magazine Jeune Afrique in Paris before settling in Dakar (Senegal). For the past fifteen years or so, Gilles Yabi has been a regular contributor to international media on issues of peace, security, and political and economic governance in West Africa.

Country: Benin

Organisation: Wathi Think Tank

African civil society